
Below you can find a list of hotels where we blocked some rooms.

(the clickable words will give you some more information)

Please book your hotel room yourself and mention the magic words 'Einstein Telecope Meeting' to get the reduced room rates.

Room blocking will expire November 1st, so once you have received your registration confirmation, make sure you book in time.

An underground line map can be found here:

Line map

The stop closest to the institute is located along lines 4 and 5: Schneiderberg / Wilhelm-Busch Museum about 500 m from the institute.

The hotels Schlafgut (location) and Savoy (location) are within walking distance, (0.8 km) and (1.7 km), respectively.  From Savoy you can also use the tramway (only 2 stations away) lines 4 and 5.

Mercure is also 1.7 km walking distance but a bit less convenient via tram. You have to walk to Steintor first (10 min).

Finally the

Hotel-at-Hannover (Hotel Alpha Tirol Hannover) is 1.7 km away from the meeting location but conveniently close to the city centre and also close to a direct tram line at Königsworther Platz (lines 4,5).